A Wild in Art
event brought
to Ipswich by
St Elizabeth
What did the support for the Big Hoot
mean for St Elizabeth Hopsice?
Big Hoot Auction
Overall total raised
£270,316*Gross income
St Elizabeth Hospice provides free,
high-quality, compassionate care and
support those living with life limiting or
progressive illness in East Suffolk, and
Great Yarmouth and Waveney.
Money raised from the Big Hoot
will benefit local people.
The four CNS nurses would, on average,
see four patients a day resulting in 5,840
visits to patients who need our support
in their own homes.
Actions undertaken by supporters
as a result of the Big Hoot
Net funds from the
Big Hoot Art Trail
have raised enough to
potentially fund FOUR
Community Nurse
Specialists for a year.