Tracy MylesTracy Myles
12 - Volunteering
Over 1,600 volunteers collectively
donate 443,456 hours of their time
to the hospice every year, equating
to over £6.2m in salary savings.
Put simply, without their generous support,
our teams would not be able to deliver vital
care to thousands of patients and their families
throughout your local community.
Tracy Myles began volunteering in our
Zest shop in 2023 and has progressed to
working full-time as an assistant manager at
our St Matthew's Street shop.
"Volunteering and working for Zest and
St Elizabeth Hospice is something I really
enjoy, as it is such a wonderful environment
to be in.
"Volunteering has enabled me to meet new
people and feel more confident in myself.
"When I first began volunteering, I never
thought I would become a full-time
employee, but it has been a brilliant journey."
Ray Squirrell has volunteered since
October 2022, as a gardener and at some
of our many events.
"My partner received support from the
hospice at our home, until her death. They
have been fantastic to me and my family.
I also found their bereavement support
walking group, Walk On, to be of great help
to me.
"I wanted to give back, to show how grateful
I was. I have many years' experience
working as a groundsman, so we decided
supporting the maintenance of the hospice
garden would be ideal.
"Volunteering really is full of possibilities
and everybody has a skill which can be of
great benefit. In fact, I have recommended
volunteering to a number of my friends
and I would encourage others to pick up
the phone to the volunteer team and just
give it a try."
What is it like being
a hospice volunteer?
Ray SquirrellRay Squirrell
You can make a
There are many ways you can volunteer
for the hospice. Find a full list of our
volunteer opportunities here:
or call 01473 707939