Zest - 7
George Docker
George Docker
Zest Launches
in North East
In July, we held a launch event for Zest
services in north east Essex. Held at St
Helena Hospice, the afternoon was full
of inclusive family fun.
"Zest is a fantastic
place, full of fun and
laughter for everyone
who attends."
One family who use Zest's services is the
Docker family, whose son George regularly
enjoys Zest's care and opportunities.
"It fills a huge void in the care of young
people with life-limiting illnesses who have
nowhere else to go," explained George's
mum Andrea Docker.
"Zest is a fantastic place, full of fun and
laughter for everyone who attends.
Friendship and support is a major part of
what makes Zest so special.
"As a family we have faced many challenges.
George's health is very unpredictable and
he can go downhill quickly but George is a
huge part of our family and we face these
challenges together.
"George absolutely loves Zest, whether that
is respite care or attending X-Change to see
his friends, he enjoys it so much and it gives
him independence.
"Zest has changed his life, while it has also
enabled me to build up a good relationship
with other parents which has seen us create
our own support group for each other.
George's Zest Story
"I don't know how I would cope without
respite. George is happy coming here and it
gives me a good couple of days to recharge
my batteries, have time to myself as well as
with my other children.
"He is a happy, funny and caring young man
and there is never a quiet moment with
George and all the Zest team recognise this
and enable him to be himself.
"People should support and fundraise
because there is nothing like Zest anywhere
else for young adults to access. This is a major
support network for so many young adults
and their families."
For more information about our North East Essex service, email:
youngadultcare@stelizabethhospice.org.uk or call 01473 707032