Rachel Cooper
Rachel Cooper
LivingGrief - 9
As well as clinical care, we provide
emotional and wellbeing support
through our bereavement service,
LivingGrief. Via face-to-face
consultations or phone and video
calls, between April 2022 and
September 2023 alone, more than
1,880 people have been supported
by this service.
One person who received support from
LivingGrief, is Rachel Cooper whose mum,
Anna Cooper, was cared for by the hospice
before her death in January 2022.
Rachel, said: "St Elizabeth Hospice gave Mum
brilliant care and they also offered to provide
further bereavement support, via LivingGrief,
to my brother, my sister and myself - if we
ever needed it.
"It felt so reassuring to know they could
support Mum as well as our whole family. I
began using the LivingGrief service when I
was 20-years-old.
"The LivingGrief team are fantastic and so
supportive. Our sessions had lots of tears and
laughter, but at the heart of LivingGrief is care,
which helps you realise you are not alone.
"While I was receiving support from
LivingGrief, I mentioned to the team that I
didn't know anyone else who was a similar
age to me, who had also lost a parent.
"This led to the LivingGrief team, through
the hospice's 565 Service emotional support
for young adults, facilitating their first young
adult group support network, for people with
similar experiences to come together.
"The group met once a week for up to an
hour and half, and each week had a different
focus, such as anxiety and the grief process. It
was just really nice to be a part of and I am
still in touch with people I met at the group.
"Before LivingGrief I felt confused about how
I was supposed to feel and how I actually
felt. Now, thanks to the team, I understand
there is no right or wrong way to feel about
grief and they have given me advice to help
approaching the pressure I felt from myself.
"LivingGrief has helped me grow as a person
and I feel more confident in approaching
the future."
"I am passionate that
more people know this
important service exists,
as I believe LivingGrief
can be of great help to
many more people."
For more information about LivingGrief visit: