Your Hospice, Your Stories
Harli's Quest
It was this determination to support the
hospice which saw Harli launch 'Harli's
Quest' with the goal of raising £10,000 for
the hospice and to fund a leaf on our Memory
Tree, in memory of her mum.
In February 2024, she announced her
fundraising mission in style by taking part
in a number of interviews with local radio,
newspapers, and even an appearance on
ITV Anglia.
After raising £2,500 in 2023, by completing
our Midnight Walk, Harli aimed to increase
her total through hosting a Dinner & Dance
at Seckford Hall on 26 July, marking two years
since her mum's death.
Harli smashed her target on the night, raising
over £16,800, with more than 130 people
attending the Dinner & Dance. The night
featured music from MJ Soul and a raffle
including brilliant prizes like a signed Terry
Butcher football shirt and a weekend in Ibiza.
Judi Newman, Chief Executive Officer at St
Elizabeth Hospice, said: "I want to say a big
thank you and well done to Harli for her
fantastic fundraising in memory of her mum.
"It is a remarkable achievement and she
should be very proud. The fundraising Dinner
& Dance was so lovely to attend and we
are extremely grateful to everyone who
supported the night."
"They helped Jemma with making crafts
and trinkets for her children's memory
boxes and they set up a garden party - so
she could see all her family and friends
Rob said: "Even after Jemma died, the
hospice have continued to be there
for us, with Harli receiving support via
their young people's emotional support
565 Service. This continued care made
Harli determined to raise funds for St
Elizabeth Hospice, in Jemma's memory."
They made it possible
for Harli to have a
final 'goodbye' with her
mummy, which meant
the world to us all.
Did you know?
£170 could fund a
registered nurse for a
day, providing clinical
care and support
to patients on our
Inpatient Unit.
Harli meets ITV Anglia to promote her fundraising.
Harli meets ITV Anglia to promote her fundraising.
Harli and her
Harli and her
mum, Jemma,
mum, Jemma,
at the hospice.
at the hospice.