St Elizabeth East Coast Hospice 9
"Nanny died peacefully in her sleep in March,
and as a family, we agreed without the
hospice's help, the process would have been
more stressful.
"She really was the family queen, and her
absence has left a big hole in our hearts. We
miss her dearly."
Jessica's Hospice Story
"St Elizabeth East Coast Hospice stepped in,
guiding Nanny and our entire family through
the process," said Jessica Hayward, whose
nan, Christine Peek received support from
our St Elizabeth East Coast Hospice team,
until her death aged 74-years-old in 2023.
"Nanny was diagnosed with a brain tumour
in 2022. Before then, we had no idea she was
ill. On Christmas Day, we noticed she was
struggling and called 111. She was taken to
hospital and scans later revealed the tumour
was incurable.
"It happened so fast, but we were grateful
for the hospice's care when we reached out.
They provided everything, from a hospital
bed to bath handrails, to help Nanny stay at
home as she wished.
"We were able to remain as Nanny's family,
and not her carers. Along with care and pain
support, it was the small personal touches,
like keeping her clean and in fresh pyjamas,
which made a difference.
"Grandad always bought Nanny Chanel N°5,
her favourite perfume, and the hospice staff
would make sure she wore it after their visits
- sometimes she even let them have a spray
Motivated by the hospice's support,
Jessica has since hosted a Glitz & Glamour
fundraising evening for the charity in memory
of her nan, as well as taking part in our recent
Southwold Firewalk and volunteering at our
Westwood Avenue shop in Lowestoft.
"You don't realise
how important the
hospice's services are,
until you need them",
Jessica added.
"I feel so passionately
about St Elizabeth East
Coast Hospice and
I hope my support,
through fundraising
and volunteering for
the charity, can help
make a difference."
Jessica (centre) and her family at her fundraising evening.
Jessica (centre) and her family at her fundraising evening.
Jessica's nan, Christine Peek.
Jessica's nan, Christine Peek.